Wedding season is upon us!
We've been busy making Cakeball Wedding Favors, Cakeball Cakes, Wedding Pops, and Cakeball Dessert Tables.
If you are a bride you may have even seen us at an event or two or more!
Here are a few pictures from the last LA Wedding Mixer we did.
We set up a few different ways to give brides (and grooms) an idea of how the Cakeballs could be presented.
We had Bride & Groom Cakeball Favors as well as a glass showcase with candlelight surrounding yellow rose petals.
We also made a rich purple flower for our Red Velvet Cakeballs.
Of course a wedding is not complete without flowers and as always thanks to Rose at Ultimate Affaire for providing the yellow rose petals and roses for our table!
We featured our top flavors Red Velvet infused with Cream Cheese, Chocolate mixed with Chocolate Buttercream, White Wedding Cake with Vanilla, German Chocolate with pecans & coconut, Lemon with our special Buttercream recipe and Carrot Cake mixed with a creamy Cream Cheese icing.
We love adding flowers to our Cakeballs!
Everyone here at The Sweet Touch agrees though that the BEST part of making Cakeballs is the joy on a person's face as they eat one for the first time. It makes all the work completely worthwhile!
Thanks to our Beautiful Blushing Brides and Brides to Be that came and enjoyed a few Cakeballs.
We are excited about becoming a part of your wedding!
A special thanks also to the hosts of this mixer and to all the other venders! All in all it was a great event!